b a n n e d p o e t r y
heresies, lamentations and other infidelities
John C. Goodman 2020 page 1

John C. Goodman is a Canadian writer and Pushcart Prize nominee. He has published four collections of poetry as well as a novella and a novel (which was short-listed for an Arthur Ellis Award). John is the past editor of ditch, an online magazine of experimental poetry, and is the current editor of Trainwreck Press.
it all comes down to the same materiality
the same music, the same books, the same talk talk talk
Lucifer sniggering in the shadows
Jesus watching from the cross (oh God, why have you forsaken me?)
powerless to intervene
powerless to console
(…why have you forsaken…)
and then death
(there is no eclipsing death)
(and death shall have its dominion)
morning light crackles
shifting shadows
placing flowers on a grave
the sting of joyful sorrow, sorrowful joy
petals floating
let the light
let the light
let the light fulfill
a journey is a journey
with no end in sight
rain clouds on the horizon
dew drops prismatic in the sunlight
a chickadee cocks its head
white primroses
we feel the whole of it
from quarks to vastness
from moment to infinity
all at once
professing the wisdom of slaves
and the answer is:
the question
even God doesn’t know
if God exists
the mortality of love
the mortality of love
– does love transcend death?
so we are told
but not by the dead
love eternal ends in the grave
only the living can love
and often not even them
love is a hostage of time
bringing forth the pleroma of spring
the reticence of fall
a mechanism of highs and lows
to make the moments bearable
to make the unbearable bearable
to make breath
a pea under twenty mattresses
madrigals in evening light
embroidered sleeves and tenor voices
brushing the scented air
the past is what we want it to be
a horror story of remembered wounds
that cannot be undone
nailed into coffins of moments
rising like vampires at all the wrong times
sucking the minutes from our love
the cremated ashes of songs
stuck here in the existential problem
blind beyond cultural constraints
to think beyond the limits of ourselves
the conviction to be right
revolutions begin with a pea under twenty mattresses
(just because a statement says it is true, doesn’t mean it is true)
one certain outcome
there in the yawning shipwreck depths
there are no decisions
only impulses and yearnings
where are the heroes of our age? Struggling
from the sunken hull
castaway on distant sho res
rising lightning-like to stormcast skies
against eternal quest ions
of striving into for ests
be fore the last clang of
fatal iron y
falls from an imaginary para dise
into vermillion and ochre
the impossible semblance of
a waning moon over
odds that would chill the rain
be fore stepping blithely into figures of eight
where the struggle goes on amidships
with only one cer tain outcome
that can only be known
as uncertainty
until the lies begin again
(as if they ever stopped)
https://www.lulu.com/shop/john-c-goodman/naked-beauty/paperback/product-12294264.html (Blue & Yellow Dog Press)
https://www.lulu.com/en/ca/shop/john-goodman/twenty-moments-that-changed-the-world/paperback/product-14qv8pn2.html (Moria/Locofo Chaps)